Slovník roku 2022-2023
Dictionary of the Year 2022-23
JTP - Jednota tlumočníkú a překladatelů udělila slovníku 3. cenu v kategori "cena poroty za slovník".
Union of Interpreters and Translators awarded the dictionary the 3rd prize in the category "jury prize for dictionary"
Paper version
VALEŠ, Miroslav. 2021. Diccionariu de A Fala: lagarteiru, mañegu, valverdeñu. Minde: CIDLeS. ISBN: 978-989-97819-2-4.

The most remarkable feature of this dictionary is its respect for the language diversity, documenting the three varieties of A Fala without imposing one as a model. Its methodology is based on primary data collected in the three localities in cooperation with the community of speakers.
It is derived from a database containing 225,000 words.
- It registers more than 13,000 entries.
- It includes more than 9,000 entries of each variety.
- The words that do not have a direct translation into Spanish are explained with a definition.
- It provides information on the usage of individual words.
Mobile application
VALEŠ, Miroslav. 2021. Diccionariu de A Fala: lagarteiru, mañegu, valverdeñu; app version 6.0, Nov. 2022. Minde: CIDLeS. ISBN: 978-989-97819-3-1.

The mobile application of the A Fala Dictionary contains the most updated information about the language. The version 6.0 contains 13,607 entries.
You can download the latest version from Google store/play. Search for: Diccionariu de A Fala
Web version
VALEŠ, Miroslav. 2021. Diccionariu de A Fala: lagarteiru, mañegu, valverdeñu; web version 02, Nov. 2022. Minde: CIDLeS. ISBN: 978-989-97819-3-1.

The information included in the web version 02 is identical to the app version 06. In comparison to the previous web version it has 430 entries more and some entries have been corrected or complemented.
Do not forget that both the app and the web version are easy to update and for this reason we would appreciate your corrections, missing words and complementary material (pictures or videos) to improve the future versions. Please, send your comments to: